Converter ID:
Aqara wireless remote switch H1 (double rocker)
battery voltage action click_mode operation_mode linkquality
Zigbee models:
LUMI / lumi.remote.b28ac1
Updated in fw:
Pairing notes:

Factory reset the switch by pressing and holding left and right rocker for 10 seconds. This will allow put the remote in pairing mode and pair to SLS.



Battery (numeric)

Remaining battery in %. Value can be found in the published state on the battery property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The minimal value is 0 and the maximum value is 100. The unit of this value is %.

Voltage (numeric)

Voltage of the battery in millivolts. Value can be found in the published state on the voltage property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is mV.

Action (enum)

Triggered action (e.g. a button click). Value can be found in the published state on the action property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The possible values are: single_left, single_right, single_both, double_left, double_right, double_both, triple_left, triple_right, triple_both, hold_left, hold_right, hold_both.

Click_mode (enum)

click_mode: fast / multi

Operation_mode (enum)

Operation mode, select "command" to enable bindings (wake up the device before changing modes!). Value can be found in the published state on the operation_mode property. To read (/get) the value publish a message to topic SLS/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"operation_mode": ""}. To write (/set) a value publish a message to topic SLS/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"operation_mode": NEW_VALUE}. The possible values are: command, event.

Linkquality (numeric)

Link quality (signal strength). Value can be found in the published state on the linkquality property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The minimal value is 0 and the maximum value is 255. The unit of this value is lqi.